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Is a College Football Playoff Foreseeable in the Near Future?

Joe Barton

Joe Barton

Last week Texas Congressman Joe Barton introduced a bill that would pave the way for a college football playoff it were to be approved.

In order for the bill to become law it must be approved by the house and senate and then be approved by the President.  Here is a detailed description of the entire process.  Currently the bill does not include details about the playoff system.  These details will be left up to law makers on committees if the house determines that the bill should move forward.  The big question will be whether lawmakers feel that it is their duty to impose rules on the NCAA and College Football or whether they should allow College Football to set their own rules as they see fit.

At this point in the process the bill is a long ways away from becoming law as both the supporters and opposition to the bill have valid arguments.  Supporters of the BCS bowl system, the opposition of the new bill,  have cited that the current bowl system generates significant revenues and that a playoff system would put the historic bowl games in jeopardy.  The supporters of the bill argue that a college football playoff  system could incorporate the current bowl games, would end up generating even more revenues than the current system and would allow for teams from smaller non BCS conferences to have a legitimate chance at winning the national championship.

There is reason to believe that some sort of bill will be passed within the next 4 years as President-elect Barack Obama has been quoted as saying that he supports a college football playoff system.  Therefore it is likely that if a bill gets approved by the house and congress that the President would sign such a bill into law.


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Richard J. Symmes, Esq
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