Limewire: Last of the Major Peer-to-Peer File Sharing Programs Gets Shut Down
Thursday, May 13th, 2010Kimba Wood, a Federal judge in New York recently ruled in favor of major record companies and agreed that LimeWire, a peer-to-peer file sharing program, is infringing on their Copyrights. The court ruled that “LimeWire’s corporate parents and backers, Lime Wire LLC and Lime Group LLC, had violated common-law copyright laws, had induced users to infringe copyright law, and had committed “vicarious” copyright infringements,”
For an estimated 1.7 million households that use the peer-to-peer file sharing program, they will have to find a new way to download music illegally. Users who partake in downloading music illegally will most likely continue to do so through torrents and programs like bit torrent. A bit torrent is a form of peer-to-peer file sharing that downloads bits of information from several different sources, making it impossible to have one source for the information. You can read more about torrents here:
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